1 pm on Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 201 W. Colfax Ave., room 4.F.6
To our SANA Members & Constituents:
This communication is intended to inform our members of our understanding of the status of the home renovation project at 3101 E. 7th Avenue Parkway, and to notify you of an upcoming Landmark Preservation Committee (LPC) hearing on the project’s proposed new scope.
The purpose of this notification is to ensure that any interested party, either in support or opposition of the project, is informed and can participate if so desired.
From the communications our Board has received and/or reviewed, the City describes the status of the project as follows:
- At the time the renovation initially began, Landmark staff approved the construction drawings that were submitted for a residential zoning and building permit.
- Since construction began, the contractor and property owner have made modifications to the addition, and those changes are in violation of the Landmark approvals.
- Because of the violations, the City issued Notices of Violation and an Order to Comply.
- Subsequently, the property owner and contractor were issued a stop work order, halting work at the property until such time as the violations are cured.
- As with all violations, the applicant may remove the item (or items) in violation, they may submit revised drawings showing the proposed changes and request approval of these changes, or a combination thereof.
- Since the Stop Work Order was issued, it seems that the property owner and contractor did submit revised plans reflecting the changes. SANA has not had an opportunity to review the revised plans.
First, from the information we received in the hearing notice it appears that the scope of work that has been performed outside of permit and without Landmark review or approval has been extensive. Specifically, the work includes “Violations- Basement windows, Kitchen window, skylights, addition changes”. Second, the Landmark Review recommendation is “Denial”, which means that if that recommendation is accepted by the commission it would require the homeowner and their professionals to start over again with the design review and permitting process, public notification, etc.
LPC meetings are open to the public, with an opportunity for interested or affected parties to speak on a project at the meeting. As outlined above, we want to make sure that anyone who is interested is informed of this hearing and can participate if so desired, either in support or opposition of the project. However, because SANA has not been asked to get involved in any significant way other than to inform our members, our organization does not intend to take a position on the project.
We hope this information will be useful to anyone who is interested in this project. Any further questions can be directed to our Landmark & Zoning Committee Chair Svein Reichborn-Kjennerud using the email address [email protected]. To visit the LPC website for more information, click here to see the staff report and submittal.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you all (and the neighbors you’ll bring with you!) at our next general membership meeting on July 17th!
Your 7th Avenue Neighborhood Association Board